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Measurement Commands

All configuration commands follow a simple command structure:

cfg <option> <parameter> [value]

Commands omitting the value parameter return the current configuration setting.

Commands are case-insensitive

Capitalization is used in the documenation to denote device options and parameters.

After changing configuration values, issue a 'cfg apply' command for changes to be permanently stored by the device. Otherwise, changes will be reverted to the last permanently stored values when the device is reset or turned off. See the Configuration File Management Commands section for more details.

When configuring the device using a terminal emulator, it can be helpful to see verbose log output when changing the device configuration. After making a connection using a terminal emulator, issue the commands 'log con on', then 'log i' to turn on verbose output to the terminal. See Logging Commands for more infomation

Base Command

Command Option Description
BASE   Baselines tilt readings by setting the current reading as the reference for future readings. This command should be performed after installation.

Licence Command

Option Parameter Value Description
LICENCE   32 character key Licence key to enable additional modes, like tilt.

Manual Sampling Commands

The Veva III has the ability to take samples on demand which can be useful for ambient vibration monitoring, obtaining current reading on demand, or taking one-time readings at multiple locations.

To begin manual sampling, issue the following command:

samp second [samps/sec [range [filter [raw]]]]

Manual Sampling Parameters

Parameter Description Valid Values Default
Second The number of seconds to sample @1000 samples/sec: 1 - 120
@ 2000 samples/sec: 1 - 60
@ 4000 samp/sec: 1 - 30
Samps/Sec The number of samples per second. 1000, 2000, 4000 1000
Range The sensor range, in g 2, 4, 8, 10, 20, 40 2
Filter The filter to apply. See filter list in the VIBR FILTER command in the Vibration Configuration Commands section. 15 (Geophone)
Raw Capture Raw Data 0 = No
1 = Yes
0 (No)

Manual Sampling Examples

Command Description
samp 5 Generates a 5 second sample at 1000 samples per second using 2G range, Geophone filter and no raw data.
samp 10 1000 2 1 1 Generate a 10 second sample at 1000 samples per second using 2G range, ISEE filter and generate raw data.
samp 5 2000 8 3 0 Generate a 5 second sample at 2000 samples per second using 8G range, DIN 4150-2 KB filter and no raw data.
samp 30 4000 2 15 1 Generate a 30 second sample at 4000 samples per second using 2G range, Geophone filter and generate raw data.

Mode Command

Option Parameter Value Description
MODE TILT   Sets the sensor to tilt mode. Requires tilt licence key.
MODE VIBR or PPV   Sets the sensor to PPV vibration mode.

Sensor Control Commands

Option Parameter Value Description
SENSOR IDLE   Pause sensing which will stop event monitoring.
SENSOR RUN   Resume sensing and event monitoring.

To avoid unnecessary alerts when moving the device or changing batteries, use the IDLE or STOP commands

Sound Level Configuration Commands

Select your model to display proper commands

Option Parameter Value Description
MIC SAMP_RATE 8000 to 48000 Sound level sample rate, in Hz. Default is 8000.
MIC SAMP_SIZE 100 or 125 Fast response time weighting window size. Default is 100.
MIC BEAT_RATE 1 to 300 Leq measurement window, in seconds. Default is 10.
MIC WEIGHT A, C or Z Weight to apply to sound measurement to reflect how a noise is perceived by the human ear. Default is A.
MIC TRIG_LEQ 30 to 120 Sound level trigger in DbA. Default is 60.
MIC PRE_SEC 1 to 30 Seconds to record prior to the trigger. Default is 1.
MIC MIN_SEC 1 to 300 Minimum number of seconds to record after the trigger. Default is 2.
MIC FLG_ALT_LEQ 0 or false
1 or true
When true, enable sound level trigger. Default is false.

MQTT is not available for these models of the Veva III.

Tilt Configuration Commands

Select your model to display proper commands

Option Parameter Value Description
TILT BEAT_RATE 10 to 86400 Sets the number of seconds between tilt reading recordings to buffer.
TILT PRE_REC 0 to 120 Sets the number of seconds of recording to capture prior to the trigger. Default is 5.
TILT PST_REC 0 to 120 Sets the number of seconds of recording to capture after the trigger. Default is 5.
TILT FLG_ALT_P 0 or false
1 or true
When true, enables the tilt alert along the X-axis (pitch). Default is true.
TILT FLG_ALT_R 0 or false
1 or true
When true, enables the tilt alert along the Y-axis (roll). Default is true.
TILT FLG_REA_P 0 or false
1 or true
When true, enables the rearm stable checking along the X-axis (pitch). Default is true.
TILT FLG_REA_R 0 or false
1 or true
When true, enables the rearm stable checking along the Y-axis (roll). Default is true.
TILT FLG_REBASE 0 or false
1 or true
When true, causes device to baseline after an alert. This is advised to be true otherwise it could lead to alert after alert until the battery dies. Default is true.
TILT ALT_P 0.5 to 70 Sets the pitch change from baseline alert threshold in degrees. Default is 5.
TILT ALT_R 0.5 to 70 Sets the roll from baseline alert threshold in degrees. Default is 5.
TILT TRIM_P -45 to 45 Sets the trim pitch reading in degrees. Useful after remounting the device. Default is 0.
TILT TRIM_R -45 to 45 Sets the trim roll reading in degrees. Useful after remounting the device. Default is 0.
TILT REA_P 0.0 to 89.9 Sets the pitch alert rearm stable window in degrees. Default is 5.
TILT REA_R 0.0 to 89.9 Sets the roll alert rearm stable window in degrees. Default is 5.
TILT REA_SEC 30 to 3600 Sets the number of seconds to delay after an alert before rearming the sensor. Default is 30.
Option Parameter Value Description
TILT BEAT_RATE 0 to 86400 Sets the number of seconds between tilt reading recordings to buffer. Default is 30.
TILT PRE_REC 0 to 120 Sets the number of seconds of recording to capture prior to the trigger. Default is 5.
TILT PST_REC 0 to 120 Sets the number of seconds of recording to capture after the trigger. Default is 5.
TILT FLG_ALT_P 0 or false
1 or true
When true, enables the tilt alert along the X-axis (pitch). Default is true.
TILT FLG_ALT_R 0 or false
1 or true
When true, enables the tilt alert along the Y-axis (roll). Default is true.
TILT FLG_REA_P 0 or false
1 or true
When true, enables the rearm stable checking along the X-axis (pitch). Default is true.
TILT FLG_REA_R 0 or false
1 or true
When true, enables the rearm stable checking along the Y-axis (roll). Default is true.
TILT FLG_TRIG 0 or false
1 or true
When true, enables the impact detection trigger.
TILT FLG_REBASE 0 or false
1 or true
When true, causes device to baseline after an alert.This is advised to be true otherwise it could lead to alert after alert until the battery dies. Default is true.
TILT ALT_P 0.5 to 70 Sets the pitch alert threshold in degrees. Default is 5.
TILT ALT_R 0.5 to 70 Sets the roll alert threshold in degrees. Default is 5.
TILT TRIM_P -45 to 45 Sets the trim pitch reading in degrees. Default is 0.
TILT TRIM_R -45 to 45 Sets the trim roll reading in degrees. Default is 0.
TILT REA_P 0.0 to 89.9 Sets the pitch alert rearm stable window in degrees.
TILT REA_R 0.0 to 89.9 Sets the roll alert rearm stable window in degrees.
TILT REA_SEC 30 to 3600 Sets the number of seconds to delay after an alert before rearming the sensor. Default is 30.

Vibration Configuration Commands

Select your model to display proper commands

Option Parameter Value Description
VIBR PEAK_SPAN 30 to 86400 Sets the peak PPV reporting interval in seconds. Peak interval readings start and align at the top of the hour at the :00 second mark. If set to 300 (5 minutes), then peak readings will start at 5-minute interval on the clock (i.e. xx:00:00, xx:05:00, xx:10:00, etc. Default is 300.
VIBR FLG_RAW 0 or false
1 or true
When true, enables the raw vibration waveform to be captured. Default us true.
VIBR FLG_ALT_X 0 or false
1 or true
When true, enables PPV alert detection on the X or Longitudinal axis.
VIBR FLG_ALT_Y 0 or false
1 or true
When true, enables PPV alert detection on the Y or Transverse axis.
VIBR FLG_ALT_Z 0 or false
1 or true
When true, enables PPV alert detection on the Z or Vertical axis.
VIBR PPV_MAX_X 0.01 to 254 Sets the X-axis PPV alert threshold in mm/s.
VIBR PPV_MAX_Y 0.01 to 254 Sets the Y-axis PPV alert threshold in mm/s.
VIBR PPV_MAX_Z 0.01 to 254 Sets the Z-axis PPV alert threshold in mm/s.
VIBR FLG_ORIENT 0 or false
1 or true
When true, orients the Z-axis labeled data with gravity. Otherwise, Y-axis labeled data is oriented to gravuty. Default is true.
VIBR PRE_SEC 0 to 10 Sets the number of seconds of waveform to capture prior to the trigger. Default is 1.
VIBR MIN_SEC 1 to 120/60/30 Sets the minimum number of seconds to capture when a waveform exceeds the PPV alert threshold. This also serves as to extend the time for capturing a waveform in the event another PPV threshold exceedance occurs during recording. The maximum values correlate to the sample frequencies (SAMP_FREQ). Default is 2.
VIBR MAX_SEC 0 to 120/60/30 Sets the maximum recording period in seconds. The maximum values correlate to the sample frequencies (SAMP_FREQ) and are reduced by the PRE_SEC value. For example, at SAMP_RATE of 1000, MAX_SEC can only be 115 when PRE_SEC is 5. Default is 10.
VIBR REA_SEC 0 to 30 Sets the number of seconds to delay after an alert before rearming the sensor. Default is 2.
VIBR SAMP_FREQ 1000, 2000, 4000 Vibration sampling rate in Hertz. If invalid value entered, defaults to 1000Hz. Higher sample rates produce larger volumes of raw data.
VIBR ACC_SCALE 2, 4, 8 Acceleration range in Gs. 2G is most sensitive and 8G handles the largest range.
1 - ISEE_SEISMOGRAPH (2 - 250Hz)
2 - DIN_4150_3 (1 - 315Hz)
3 - DIN_4150_2_KB (1 - 80Hz)
4 - BS_7385 (1 - 300 Hz)
5 - AS_2187_2_2006 (2 - 250 Hz)
6 - ONORM_S_9012 (1 - 80Hz)
7 - ISO_8569_ACC (5 - 300Hz)
8 - IN1226 (1 - 150Hz)
9 - NS_8176_COMFORT (1 - 80Hz)
10 - NS_8141_CONSTRUCTION (5 - 300 Hz)
11 - NS_8141_1 (3 - 400Hz)
12 - SS_4604866_PILING (5 - 300Hz)
13 - SS_025211_SHAFT (2 - 150 Hz)
14 - SS_4604861_COMFORT (1 - 80 Hz)
15 - GEOPHONE (5 - 500 Hz)
16 - ICPE_CIRCULAR_86 (1 - 150 Hz)
Sets the filter level to apply to the sensor data when checking for PPV alerts or exporting the filtered data along with the raw data. The GEOPHONE filter is the default.
Option Parameter Value Description
VIBR PEAK_SPAN 30 to 86400 Sets the number of seconds between peak value recordings to buffer.
VIBR FLG_TRIG 0 or false
1 or true
When true, switches the sensor into triggered mode. False sets it into continuous mode. In continuous mode, the device samples data every second at the specified sample rate and checks for PPV alerts. In Triggered mode, the device sleeps until it detects an acceleration event exceeding trigger threshold whereupon it samples and check for PPV alerts. The trigger threshold (TRIG_LEVEL) is ignored in continuous mode.
VIBR FLG_RAW 0 or false
1 or true
When true, enables the raw raw vibration waveform to be captured and uploaded to the FTP server. Default is true.
VIBR FLG_ALT_X 0 or false
1 or true
When true, enables PPV alert detection on the X or Longitudinal axis.
VIBR FLG_ALT_Y 0 or false
1 or true
When true, enables PPV alert detection on the Y or Transverse axis.
VIBR FLG_ALT_Z 0 or false
1 or true
When true, enables PPV alert detection on the Z or Vertical axis.
VIBR PPV_MAX_X 0.01 to 254 Sets the X-axis PPV alert threshold in mm/s.
VIBR PPV_MAX_Y 0.01 to 254 Sets the Y-axis PPV alert threshold in mm/s.
VIBR PPV_MAX_Z 0.01 to 254 Sets the Z-axis PPV alert threshold in mm/s.
VIBR FLG_ORIENT 0 or false
1 or true
When true, orients the Z-axis labeled data with gravity. Otherwise, Y-axis labeled data is oriented to gravuty. Default is false.
VIBR PRE_SEC 0 to the lessor of MAX_SEC - MIN_SEC or 30 Sets the number of seconds of recording to capture prior to the trigger. This is only valid in continuous mode and reduces the overall maximum recording time.
VIBR MIN_SEC 1 to 139/69/34 Sets the minimum number of seconds to capture when a waveform exceeds the PPV alert threshold. This also serves as to extend the time for capturing a waveform in the event another PPV threshold exceedance occurs during recording. The maximum values correlate to the sample frequencies (SAMP_FREQ).
VIBR MAX_SEC 0 to 139/69/34 Sets the maximum recording period in seconds. The maximum values correlate to the sample frequencies (SAMP_FREQ).
VIBR REA_SEC 0 to 30 Sets the number of seconds to delay after an alert before rearming the sensor. Default is 2.
VIBR TRIG_LEVEL 0 to 1000 Sets the vibration threshold in 1/1000ths of a ā€˜gā€™ required to trigger a sample recording when in trigger mode. An acceleration exceed this value will wake the device.
VIBR SAMP_FREQ 1000, 2000, 4000 Vibration sampling rate in Hertz. If invalid value entered, defaults to 1000Hz. Higher sample rates produce larger volumes of raw data.
VIBR ACC_SCALE 2, 4, 8 Acceleration range in Gs. 2G is most sensitive and 8G handles the largest range.
1 - ISEE_SEISMOGRAPH (2 - 250Hz)
2 - DIN_4150_3 (1 - 315Hz)
3 - DIN_4150_2_KB (1 - 80Hz)
4 - BS_7385 (1 - 300 Hz)
5 - AS_2187_2_2006 (2 - 250 Hz)
6 - ONORM_S_9012 (1 - 80Hz)
7 - ISO_8569_ACC (5 - 300Hz)
8 - IN1226 (1 - 150Hz)
9 - NS_8176_COMFORT (1 - 80Hz)
10 - NS_8141_CONSTRUCTION (5 - 300 Hz)
11 - NS_8141_1 (3 - 400Hz)
12 - SS_4604866_PILING (5 - 300Hz)
13 - SS_025211_SHAFT (2 - 150 Hz)
14 - SS_4604861_COMFORT (1 - 80 Hz)
15 - GEOPHONE (5 - 500 Hz)
16 - ICPE_CIRCULAR_86 (1 - 150 Hz)
Sets the filter level to apply to the sensor data when checking for PPV alerts or exporting the filtered data along with the raw data. The GEOPHONE filter is the default.

Last update: December 10, 2024