File Management Commands
All configuration commands follow a simple command structure:
cfg <option> <parameter> [value]
Commands omitting the value parameter return the current configuration setting.
Commands are case-insensitive
Capitalization is used in the documenation to denote device options and parameters.
After changing configuration values, issue a 'cfg apply' command for changes to be permanently stored by the device. Otherwise, changes will be reverted to the last permanently stored values when the device is reset or turned off. See the Configuration File Management Commands section for more details.
When configuring the device using a terminal emulator, it can be helpful to see verbose log output when changing the device configuration. After making a connection using a terminal emulator, issue the commands 'log con on', then 'log i' to turn on verbose output to the terminal. See Logging Commands for more infomation
File Routing¶
Defines the file routing used to upload files from the device to a server via FTP (default) or HTTP Publishing.
Option | Parameter | Value | Description |
ROUTE_FILE | EVENT | FTP or HTTP | The file routing for alert events (vibration, tilt). Initiated by an alert. |
ROUTE_FILE | DATA | FTP or HTTP | The file routing for vibration waveform files. Initiated by an alert. |
ROUTE_FILE | PEAK | FTP or HTTP | The file routing for vibration interval files. |
ROUTE_FILE | BEAT | FTP or HTTP | The file routing for tilt interval files. |
ROUTE_FILE | CONFIG | FTP or HTTP | The file routing for config files. Note that configuration files can't be transferred from an external server to the device. FTP is the only method for sending a configuration file to the Veva III. |
Option | Parameter | Value | Description |
MAIN | HTTP_ALERT | True (HTTP) or False (FTP) | The file routing for alert events (vibration, tilt). Initiated by an alert. |
MAIN | HTTP_DATA | True (HTTP) or False (FTP) | The file routing for vibration waveform files. Initiated by an alert. |
MAIN | HTTP_PEAK | True (HTTP) or False (FTP) | The file routing for vibration interval files. |
MAIN | HTTP_BEAT | True (HTTP) or False (FTP) | The file routing for tilt interval files. |
MAIN | HTTP_CFG | True (HTTP) or False (FTP) | he file routing for tilt interval configuration files can't be transferred from an external server to the device. FTP is the only method for sending a configuration file to the Veva III. |
File Path and Naming Convention Commands¶
Option | Parameter | Value | Description |
REM_DIR_FLAT REM_DIR_NEST | ROOT | String | Base path that can be used in file paths. |
REM_DIR_FLAT REM_DIR_NEST | PRE | String | Prefix that can be added to file names. |
REM_DIR_FLAT REM_DIR_NEST | NEW_CFG | String | File path and name pattern for new configurtation files. When the device is commanded to download a new configuration file using CFG DOWNLOAD, it will look for a file matching this pattern. If you're using Inzwa's platform services, this value must be set to {ROOT}CONFIG/{MAC}.new |
REM_DIR_FLAT REM_DIR_NEST | CUR_CFG | String | File path and name pattern for existing configuration file. When the device is commaned to upload its configuration using CFG SNAP, it will write a file matching this pattern. If you're using Inzwa's platform services, this value must be set to {ROOT}CONFIG/{MAC}.config |
REM_DIR_FLAT REM_DIR_NEST | BAD_CFG | String | File path and name pattern for configuration file downloads that fail to meet validation requirements. If the device rejects a configuration file, it will write the invalid configuration file to the FTP server using this pattern. If you're using Inzwa's platform services, this value must be set to {ROOT}CONFIG/{MAC}.new.bad |
REM_DIR_FLAT REM_DIR_NEST | VIBR_ALT | String | File path and name pattern for vibration event alert files. |
REM_DIR_FLAT REM_DIR_NEST | VIBR_DATA | String | File path and name pattern for vibration raw data files. |
REM_DIR_FLAT REM_DIR_NEST | VIBR_PEAK | String | File path and name pattern for PPV histogram files. |
REM_DIR_FLAT REM_DIR_NEST | TILT_ALT | String | File path and name pattern for tilt event alert files. |
REM_DIR_FLAT REM_DIR_NEST | TILT_DATA | String | File path and name pattern for tilt event data files. |
REM_DIR_FLAT REM_DIR_NEST | TILT_BEAT | String | File path and name pattern for tilt beat data files. |
REM_DIR_FLAT REM_DIR_NEST | LOG_FMT | String | File path and name pattern for device log files. |
REM_DIR_FLAT REM_DIR_NEST | AUDIO_ALT | String | File path and name pattern for audio alert files. |
REM_DIR_FLAT REM_DIR_NEST | AUDIO_DATA | String | File path and name pattern for audio waveform files. |
REM_DIR_FLAT REM_DIR_NEST | AUDIO_PEAK | String | File path and name pattern for audio internval files. |
Path and File Naming Rules¶
File paths and names can be devised using substitution keywords allowing files to have context sensitive information in their names.
Keyword | Description |
{ROOT} | The base path as defined using REM_DIR_FLAT ROOT or REM_DIR_NEST ROOT |
{MAC} | The device's serial number, in 6 character hex format. |
{YYYY} | The 4 digit year the file was generated. |
{YY} | The 2 digit year the file was generated. |
{MM} | The 2 digit month the file was generated. |
{DD} | The 2 digit date the file was generated. |
{hh} | The 2 digit hour the file was generated. |
{mm} | The 2 digit minute the file was generated. |
{SEQ2} | A 2 digit sequential number in relation to the type (eg. alarm, data, peak) of file generated. |
{SEQ3} | A 3 digit sequential number in relation to the type (eg. alarm, data, peak) of file generated. |
{SEQ4} | A 4 digit sequential number in relation to the type (eg. alarm, data, peak) of file generated. |
{SEQ5} | A 5 digit sequential number in relation to the type (eg. alarm, data, peak) of file generated. |
Path and File Name Example¶
An example path and file naming pattern using substitution keywords:
Export Control Commands¶
Option | Parameter | Value | Description |
EXPORT | REM_DIR_FLAT | 0 or false 1 or true | When true, device will use the file naming conventions defined using the REM_DIR_FLAT configuration options. Otherwise, the device will use the naming conventions defined using the REM_DIR_NEST configuration options. |
EXPORT | EVENT_FMT | 0 = CSV 1 = JSON | Sets the alert file format. Set to CSV when using Inzwa's cloud services. |
EXPORT | WAVE_FMT | 0 = CSV 1 = JSON 2 = BIN | Sets the raw data file format. Set to BIN when using Inzwa's cloud services. |
EXPORT | PEAK_FMT | 0 = CSV 1 = JSON | Sets the PPV histogram file format. Set to CSV when using Inzwa's cloud services. |
EXPORT | ALERT_FMT | 0 = CSV 1 = JSON | Sets the tilt alert file format. Set to CSV when using Inzwa's cloud services. |
EXPORT | DATA_FMT | 0 = CSV 1 = JSON | Sets the tilt alert data file format. Set to CSV when using Inzwa's cloud services. |
EXPORT | BEAT_FMT | 0 = CSV 1 = JSON | Sets the tilt beat file format. Set to CSV when susing Inzwa's cloud services. |
EXPORT | PPA_UNITS | 0 = g (1g = 9.80665m/s2) 1 = m/s2 | Sets peak particale acceleration units. |
EXPORT | PPV_UNITS | 2 = mm/s 3 = in/s. Defaults to 2. | Sets peak particle velocity units. Set to mm/s when using Inzwa's cloud services. |
EXPORT | PPD_UNITS | 6 = mm 7 = in/s 8 = mil (1/1000th of an inch) | Peak particle displacement units. |
FTP Commands¶
The Veva III can be configured (see File Routing section) to send data files to and FTP server. Use these properties to configure your FTP connection.
Do not change these parameters when using a device with Inzwa Cloud.
Option | Parameter | Value | Description |
FTP | URL | String | Sets the URL of the FTP server. This can be IP address or URL. |
FTP | Port | Numeric | Sets FTP port of FTP server. Normally port is set to 21, but may be set to 990 for FTPS. |
FTP | USR | String | FTP Server login ID |
FTP | PWD | String | FTP Server login password |
FTP | ACT | 0 or false 1 or true | Sets the FTP connection mode where true equals active. Device must be reset for a change to this setting to take effect. We recommend Passive mode (False) for FTP connections. |
FTP | SSL_TYPE | 0 = FTP 1 = FTPS (FTP over implicit TLS/SSL) 2 = FTPS (FTP over explicit TLS/SSL) | Sets connection type to FTP or FTPS. |
HTTP Commands¶
The Veva III can be configured (see File Routing section) to send data files using http post of multipart/form-data. Use these properties to configure your connection to an HTTP server. For puposes of development planning of server-side code to handle post requests from a device, we recommend using a tool like Requeset Catcher to capture and inspect the content of posts from the device.
Option | Parameter | Value | Description |
HTTP | HOST | 64 Character String | Specifies the IP address or URL of the target HTTP server for all file uploads and configuration downloads. |
HTTP | PROTOCOL | 'http' or 'https' | Specifies the HTTP protocol to be used. Default is http |
HTTP | PORT | String | Set to 'P' |
HTTP | PATH | String | Specifies URI for POST calls. |
HTTP | FIELD | String | Specifies the value of the name field in the form-data Content-Disposition header. |
HTTP | USR | String | Specifies basic authentication username. Leave blank if authentication isn't required. |
HTTP | PWD | String | Specifies basic authentication password. Leave blank if authentication isn't required. |