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Console Only Commands

The Veva III has commands that are only available when connected to the device using a terminal emulator. These commands change the logging output to the terminal allow more insight into the device's activities.

Logging Commands

Command Option Description
LOG CON ON or OFF Toggle logging output to the terminal
LOG I, W, E, or U Sets the log output level.
I - Informative, detailed informtion logging
W - Warning, warning messages only
E - Error, error messages only
U - Unfiltered, messages that aren't filteted.
LOG COM ON or OFF Toggle detailed communications logging to allow debugging connectivity issues.
LOG SENSE ON or OFF Turn vibration sensor module logging to the serial terminal emulator on or off.

Directroy Commands

These commands are only available on the Veva III E01 or W01

Command Option Description
DIR \S MicroSD card directory output. The \S option outputs a recursive directory sturcture.

Last update: November 1, 2024